Older News prior to 2020
19 Dec 2019 - Dr. Phoebe Chung and Dr. Hao Wu are the 12th and 13th PhD graduates of Dr. Ng from UNSW Sydney. Both Phoebe and Hao are studying clean energy. As we have missed their graduation ceremony at UNSW Sydney, we celebrate this proud moment in Hong Kong. Both of them have been in our team since the final year of their undergraduate study. Proud to see their achievement and readiness for new chapter of life.

19 Dec 2019 - Dr. Ng is invited to deliver a Plenary Talk at 2019 Chinese Symposium on Photocatalytic Materials (CSPM-2). First visit to Nanjing with team members: Dr. Hao WU and Dr. Xuelian WU. Dr. Hao Wu received a presentation award. Nanjing in autumn is beautiful.

7 Nov 2019 - Dr. Ng is interviewed by a Hong Kong local magazine - EastWeek magazine.

7 Nov 2019 - Dr. Ng had an interview with TVB for a tech-focused programme "Innovation GPS". He talked on clean solar hydrogen technology. It was a new experience to have an interview conducted in Cantonese language

8 Sept 2019 - Coverage of our work on photocatalysis for renewable energy has been reported by 10 Hong Kong local newspapers and media.

30 Aug 2019 - Yun Hau Ng was announced the winner of 2019 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Science Prize for Innovation, Research and Education (ASPIRE). Dr. Ng gave a brief speech in the award ceremony hosted in Puerto Varas, Chile. An interview with Dr. Yun Hau Ng by the APEC team can be found in Youtube.
19 - 20 Aug 2019 - Hosted by Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Yun Hau gave a Keynote presentation on photo-energy conversion topic in the International Sympsoium on Advanced Materials & Technology (iSAMN 2019). Great hospitality by Prof. Janet Lim Hong Ngee from UPM is greatly appreciated.
19 July 2019 - Prof. Ken Sakai from Kyushu University visited us in Hong Kong
8 - 11 July 2019 - Yun Hau was invited to deliver a 3-days summer course on heterogeneous photocatalysis and its application in energy conversion at the School of Materials Sciences and Engineering, Shandong University. Received warm welcome and response from our close collaborators (Prof. Fenglong Wang, Prof. Yanyan Jiang and Prof. Zhaoke Zheng) and students from Shandong University.

29 June 2019 - We are excited to learn the successful outcome of our first General Research Fund (GRF) project awarded by Research Grants Council of Hong Kong (RGC). For the coming three years, we will continue to work on the project related to photostability of non-TiO2 based oxide photocatalysts.
23 - 28 June 2019 - Yun Hau delivered an invited talk in the International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT) in Singapore. Organized by Prof. Lydia Wong from NTU, the symposium "Advanced Inorganic Materials and Thin Film Technology for Solar Energy Harvesting and Electronic Application" was a huge success. Many great talks were presented in the symposium.
5 June 2019 - Prof. Chuan Zhao from the School of Chemistry, UNSW Australia visited us in CityU.

31 May 2019 - Yun Hau is appointed as European Research Council (ERC) Remote Referees. Appointed to assess ERC Consolidator Grant.
28 May 2019 - Zhirun Xie has published his first paper on BiVO4 in ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces. Well done, Zhirun!
25 - 29 May 2019 - Beautiful Kunming! Yun Hau attending the 11th International Conference on High-Performance Ceramics (CICC-11) and delivered an invited talk in a symposium organized by Prof. Ziqi Sun from QUT.
11 - 15 Apr 2019 - We hosted Prof. Alex Yip from the University of Canterbury, New Zealand. Seminar, research meeting, discussion with students, laboratory visit were arranged for our close collaborator.

Apr 2019 - Thanks to CityU Applied Research Grant (ARG), we are now funded to work on hydrogen production from wastewater using powder catalyst, partially supported by industry!
05 Mar 2019 - Professor Takeaki Sakurai from the University of Tsukuba visited us during the research attachment of Mr. Tajima in our laboratory for research collaboration in BiVO4.

Feb 2019 - Yun Hau has been tasked by European Science Foundation (ESF) as assessor in Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) Grants
14 Feb 2019 - Together with former member Dr. Hui Ling Tan (JSPS, Kyushu University) and Dr. Fatwa Abdi (HZB, Germany), our first review article on Heterogeneous Photocatalyst is now published in Chem. Soc. Rev. (Chem. Soc. Rev. 2019, 48, 1255-1271)
Jan 2019 - Kindly invited by Professor Shigeru Ikeda, Yun Hau has delivered an Invited Lecture in the International Symposium on Solar Energy Materials at Konan University, Kobe, Japan. Prof. Shigeru Ikeda is Yun Hau's PhD co-supervisor.

Dec 2018 - Served as a Programme Revalidation Panel for Community College of City University - University of Wollongong College Hong Kong.
Nov 2018 - For the first time, Yun Hau is assessing proposals from Hong Kong Environment and Conservation Fund (ECF) - Environmental Research, Technology Demonstration and Conference (RTDC) Projects.
25 Oct 2018 - Served as a panelist in Hong Kong Federation of Innovative Technologies and Manufacturing Industries (FITMI) -- 亞洲國際創新發明大獎暨展覽會.
21 Sept 2018 - Yun Hau gave an invited seminar on Solar Fuels topic at the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Hong Kong PolyU.
16 Aug 2018 - Cui Ying Toe has received her PhD degree today. Cui Ying is now the new Doctor!
Aug 2018 - Appointed as the Admission Panel of the Technology Business Incubation Programmes for Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corportation (HKSTP) for two years.
13 Aug 2018 - Dr. Yun Hau Ng has joined the School of Energy and Environment, City University of Hong Kong as Associate Professor. He is leading a research group with the focus on light-to-chemical energy conversion.
05 Aug 2018 - Hao Wu has two papers accepted in a month. Both works are using our in-house developed method (pulsed-electrodeposition) in producing nanostructured electrodes for energy conversion applications. The papers are accepted for publication in ChemPlusChem and Sustainable Materials & Technologies, respectively. Well done, Hao!
July 2018 - Congratulations to Dr. Hui Ling Tan of Yun Hau's team on the award of JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship. Hui Ling will spend her JSPS postdoc training in Kyushu University under the supervision of Prof. Ishihara. We are proud of you, Hui Ling.
10 July 2018 - Phoebe has achieved significant progress lately. In this year, Phoebe has received a) 3-Mins Thesis award UNSW, b) ANN Travel Award to AM&ST conference, c) Chair Presentation Award in AM&ST conference, d) ICONN2018 Oral Presentation Award, e) ANN Overseas Travel Fellowship for research attachment to HZB, Berlin! What an exciting progress!

Mar 2018 - Yun Hau received "Distinguish Lectureship Award" by the Chemical Society of Japan (CSJ). An award lecture was presented in CSJ Annual Meeting in Tokyo.

Feb 2018 - Prof. Roel van de Krol and Dr. Fatwa Abdi visited us. We have on-going collaborations and hopefully will have output to be shared here soon.

5 Feb 2018 - Congratulations to Phoebe for winning the BEST Oral Presentation award in ICONN2018 conference!!
Dec 2017 - Hao Wu is visiting Prof. Kazuhiko Maeda's group at Tokyo Institute of Technology for 3 months for studying water splitting and CO2 reduction
Dec 2017 - Dr. Shi Nee Lou will soon join Prof. Pooi See Lee's group at Nanyang Technological University as a researcher. All the best wishes to Shi Nee for starting a new position in home country! Dr. Shi Nee Lou is the 7th PhD student graduated from Ng's team!
10 Nov 2017 - Together with Prof. Cyrille Boyer, Dr. Ng has been awarded and will lead an ARC Discovery Project Grant on "Overcoming the Inherent Instability of Photocatalyst to Produce Solar Fuels". The Australian Research Council has generously awarded us a total of $386, 140 for 2018-2020
29 Oct 2017 - Yun Hau is announced the recipient of the Chemical Society Japan (CSJ) Lectureship Award 2018. He will be delivering a keynote presentation at the CSJ Annual Meeting in Tokyo next March
Sept 2017 - Cui Ying Toe is visiting Prof. Roel van de Krol and Dr. Fatwa Abdi at Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin (HZB) to study her cuprous oxide materials using TRMC.
04 Aug 2017 - Congratulations to Dr. Hui Ling Tan for receiving the BEST Poster Award in the International Symposium on Energy Conversion ad Storage Materials, sponsored by RSC.
30 July - 05 Aug 2017 - Yun Hau Ng is giving presentations at the Asian Powder Technology conference (as keynote speaker) in Taiwan, International Symposium on Energy Conversion and Storage Materials in Brisbane, and Catalyst and Catalysis Forum in Gold Coast.
08 May 2017 - Shi Nee Lou has her solar battery work published in Advanced Energy Materials. Go check the work when it is online as it contains a cool "Iron Man" cell used in Synchrotron XRD facilities
28 Apr 2017 - Congratulation to Dr. Hui Ling Tan to receive UNSW Postdoctoral (writing) Fellowship.
01 Nov 2016 - We have been awesomely awarded by Australian Research Council this round. As the lead CI, we receive an ARC Discovery Project with $315,000 on a water splitting project using anodisation-based synthesis. Together with other colleagues from UNSW, UTS, UQ and U. Adelaide, we also receive an ARC LIEF grant with $358, 275 to develop thin film photoelectrode facilities
18 Oct 2016 - Tze Hao Tan uses Au/TiO2 to cleave carbon-carbon bonding of ethanol. He investigates the system using in-situ DRIFTS. You can see the work in ACS Catal. now.
01 - 06 Oct 2016 - Invited to deliver a talk in the "Metal oxides for solar fuels generation" Symposium at PRIME 2016, Hawaii. Will be meeting great electrochemist and photochemist in that event!
30 Sept 2016 - Successfully granted 72 hours of beamtime by Australian Synchrotron! Our team is going to Melbourne to perform the in-situ liquid-junction XRD measurement. It is going to be exciting!
27 Sept 2016 - Is Hui Ling again! Well done Hui Ling, another paper in ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces.
21 - 25 Aug 2016 - Delivered an invited talk in Philadelphia -- ACS Fall Meeting. Have been actively involved in this symposium (Solar Energy Conversion, Energy and Fuel Division (ENFL) for a number of years. The talk was about governing the charge transport in faceted BiVO4 for water oxidation.
26 Jul 2016 - With Dr. Iwase and Prof. Kudo, one more time in J. Am. Chem. Soc. we reported our findings in graphene-mediated Z-scheme water splitting and CO2 reduction. Interestingly, this time we are able to use metal sulphide as the hydrogen-evolving photocatalysis in Z-Scheme environment, in which traditionally perceived as unfavorable condition as metal sulphide will experience photocorrosion.
25 Jul 2016 - Welcome Yoshi (Yoshitaka Suzuki) to our team as the newest PhD student! He will be exploring p-type semiconductor for water and CO2 photoreduction.
21 Jul 2016 - Hui Ling Tan ROCKS! Her work on looking at the interface between graphene and faceted BiVO4 has revealed that electron transfer is heavily affected by the crystal facet. This work is now published as cover feature in SMALL.
11 - 12 Jul 2016 - Organised the 1st UNSW-I2CNER (International Institute for Carbon-Neutral Research, Kyushu University) joint workshop. Received financial grant to initiate research collaboration with excellent scientists from Kyushu on clean energy! The workshop is enriched with a wonderful dinner in THE ROCK with magnificent view of Sydney.
04 - 06 Jul 2016 - Organised the 2nd Energy Future Conference. A number of distinguished professors delivered plenary/invited talks in this conference. Among them are Prof. Zhiqun Lin (Assoc. Editor, J. Mater. Chem. A) and Prof. Zaiping Guo (Assoc. Editor, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces). Presentations in the conference will be published as special issues in three journals: Energy Storage Materials (Elsevier), Particle & Particle System Engineering (Wiley) and Energies (MDPI, open access). Ng serves as guest editor for the special issues in Particle & Particle System Engineering and Energies.
17 June 2016 - Dr. Xunyu Lu's work on electrochemical reduction of CO2 to CO is accepted for publication in Chem. Eur. J. It is selected as the Back Cover of the issue and highlighted by ChemPubSoc. Congratulations, Xunyu!
20 May 2016 - Our comprehensive review on carbon nitride as a photocatalyst is published in Chemical Reviews. It is also currently the most read paper (12 months duration) in that journal.
12 Apr 2016 - We are excited about the collaborative work with Prof. Sean Smith on investigating the roles of oxygen vacancies in MoO3 (Mobile Polaronic States in alpha-MoO3: An ab Initio Investigation of the Role of Oxygen Vacancies and Alkali Ions, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2016, 8, 10911)
24 Mar 2016 - Hui Ling Tan's work on charge dynamics in facet-controlled BiVO4 is accepted for publication in J. Phys. Chem. Lett. One of our favorite journals from ACS. Well done Hui Ling.
22 Mar 2016 - Our work 'Frequency-regulated pulsed electrodeposition of CuInS2 on ZnO nanorod arrays as visible light photoanodes' was a HOT Article for 2015 and as such it has been included in the Hot Article 2015 web collection for Journal of Materials Chemistry A.
27 Feb 2016 - Jing Lin's second work with us within one year! He was a visiting PhD student in our team for one year (2014-2015). In this work, for the first time in my team we tackled the particulate matter (PM2.5) issue by designing membrane-like polyacrylonitrile nanofiber network modified with ionic liquids to capture cigarette-generated PM2.5 -- ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2016, DOI:10.1021/acsami.5b12313.
11 Feb 2016 - Our invited article on solar water splitting is now published in J. Mater. Chem. A as part of the themed issue highlighting 2016's rising researchers in materials chemistry research. The themed issue is named: EMERGING INVESTIGATORS 2016: Novel Design Strategies for New Functional Materials.
04 Feb 2016 - Delivered an invited talk at Kyushu University -- International Institute of Carbon-Neutral Energy Research (I2CNER). It was a fruitful trip to discuss the future collaboration between Sch. Chem. Eng. UNSW and Kyushu University. Australian General Consular Mr. Tom Yates was hosting us during our stay in Fukuoka.
12 Jan 2016 - With Prof. Xile Hu from EPFL, we published Dr. Peng Wang's latest work on using CoP as a bifunctional catalyst for both the oxygen- and hydrogen-evolving reactions (ChemSusChem 2016, 9 (5), 472-477).
10 Dec 2015 - Together with Dr. Jason Scott and Dr. Judy Hart, we have been awarded the SilverStar Award by UNSW for a project on improving anodisation method to fabricate functional photoactive thin film.
18 Nov 2015 - As one of the CIs (chief investigator), we successfully receive two facilities grants from MREII schemes to purchase a new Raman spectroscope and a position-sensitive dynamic X-ray diffractometer. A total of $340,000 is received. Look forward to seeing new toys next year!
10 Nov 2015 - Serve as grant review panel for The Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC), Hong Kong.
10 Nov 2015 - Peng Wang is officially conferred her PhD degree today!

07 Nov 2015 - Peng Wang can conveniently tune n-type Cu2O into p-type Cu2O thin film using simple electrodeposition method. It is now accepted by J. Phys. Chem. C for publication.
05 Nov 2015 - Our first collaborative work with UPM in Malaysia just get accepted for publication in J. Hazardous Mater. It is also our first work on photoelectrochemical sensors. We use CdS decorated with reduced graphene oxide to detect Cu2+ ion in water under visible light.
30 Oct 2015 - Congratulation to Minsu Jung! In last two weeks, he has two papers accepted for publication in Appl. Catal. A-Gen. Both works are on the H2 evolution using Cu-based photocatalysts!
09 Oct 2015 - Ng will be attending the 2015 Theo Murphy Australian Frontiers of Science - Materials for the 21st Century as an invited participant. All costs will be supported by the Theo Murphy (Australia) Fund.
27 Sept - 02 Oct 2015 - Attending CHEMECA and Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering (APCChE) conference in Melbourne. Ng is the technical committee of APCChE conference.
26 Aug 2015 - Peng Wang improved the charge transportation of Cu2O-photocathodes using urea treatment and ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces has accepted it for publication.
19 Aug 2015 - Yiming Tang's work is accepted for publication in J. Mater. Chem. A. Well done Yiming! It is about CdS-ZnO visible light photoelectrode. It is featured as frontispiece journal cover.
3 July 2015 - Lin Jing's work on polyurethane-sponge templated graphene TiO2 is accepted for publication in J. Mater. Chem. A. Well done, Lin!
19 June 2015 - Congratulations to Yiming Tang for receiving her doctorate! Her paper on CuInS2-ZnO has also just been accepted for publication in J. Mater. Chem. A! Double happiness.
12 June 2015 - Graduation ceremony for our students. Congratulations and the best wishes to all!

04 June 2015 - Joining Scientific Reports as editorial board member for Chemistry discipline.
15 May 2015 - Our 2nd article to reach total citation of 200 in Web of Science: J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2010, 1, 2222-2227.
12 May 2015 - Congratulation to Peng Wang on her award on UNSW Postdoctoral Writing Fellowship! She is expected to write more papers with this fellowship. :-) Welcome back Peng.
04 May 2015 - Our group welcome Wee Jun Ong from Monash University Malaysia as Endeavor Visiting Fellow. This is a highly competitive scheme offered by Australian government to boost international collaboration. Wee Jun will be working on water splitting project.
04 May 2015 - Congratulation to Yiming Tang for submission of her PhD thesis! Yiming was working on CuInS2 and CdS-based electrode. She developed a unique pulsed-electrodeposition technique to coat 1D nanostructured thin film.
31 Mar 2015 - Congratulation to Peng Wang for submission of her PhD thesis!! A Dr-to-be soon. Peng's research is on the Cu2O photocathode. She found a few ways to improve the stability of this generally unstable material.
22 - 26 Mar 2015 - Successfully organised the "Solar Energy Symposium" at ACS National Spring Meeting in Denver. It was a great experience to co-organising event with Prof. Ranjit Koodali, Prof. Nick Wu and Prof. Yiying Wu.
09 Mar 2015 - Congratulation to Yiming Tang for her article accepted for publication in DALTON TRANSACTIONS with the title "Complete Surface Coverage of ZnO Nanorod Arrays by Pulsed Electrodeposited CuInS2 for Visible Light Conversion"
03 Mar 2015 - Our work on improving CuGaS2 photocathode with graphene is accepted for publication in Journal of Materials Chemistry A. Title of the work is "Solar Hydrogen Evolution using CuGaS2 Photocathode Improved by Incorporating Reduced Graphene Oxide".
20 Feb 2015 - With Dr. Stuart Thickett and Prof. Per Zetterlund, we published our second work in POLYMER. Title of the manuscript is "Factors Influencing the Preparation of Hollow Polymer-Graphene Oxide Microcapsules via Pickering Miniemulsion Polymerization Polymer".
01 Jan 2015 - Our collaborative work with Prof. Akihiko Kudo and A/Prof. Akihide Iwase is now accepted for publication in JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. Title of the paper is " Z-Schematic Water Splitting into H2 and O2 using Metal Sulfide as a Hydrogen-evolving Photocatalyst and Reduced Graphene Oxide as a Solid-state Electron Mediator".
11 Dec 2014 - Congratulation to Peng Wang for her article accepted for publication in RSC ADVANCES with the title " Introducing a protective interlayer of TiO2 in Cu2O-CuO heterojunction thin film as a highly stable visible light photocathode"
20 Nov 2014 - Congratulation to Shi Nee for her article accepted for publication in SCIENTIFIC REPORTS with the title " Influence of MoO3 (110) Crystalline Plane on Its Self-Charging Photoelectrochemical Properties"
14 Nov 2014 - All the best wishes to my 4th year honors students! Brightest future for all of you.

10 - 11 Nov 2014 - We hosted Prof. Hadi Nur, Prof. Mustaffa Shamsuddin and Dr. Bakri from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. We explored the possibilities on research collaboration. The best part of the visit was the opportunity to meet up and catch up with my chemistry lecturers and supervisors. Both of them taught me in my Alma Mater UTM.

06 - 07 Nov 2014 - We hosted Prof. Akihiko Kudo from Tokyo University of Science. Prof. Kudo is my mentor and a close collaborator in the graphene-water splitting project.

06 - 07 Nov 2014 - Our team members: Yiming, Minsu, Tze Hao, Shi Nee, Hui Ling and Charlene (past member, currently at CSIRO) are presenting their research in ENERGY FUTURE CONFERENCE. It was a wonderful experience. Ng was the chairperson for an online-voting mini-oral presentation competition for the conference and it was fun!

01 Oct 2014 - Catalysis Today recognised our paper "Semiconductor/reduced graphene oxide nanocomposites derived from photocatalytic reactions" as the top cited papers published in 2011-2012.
01 Sept 2014 - For the second time, Ng will be co-organising a solar energy conversion symposium in ACS National Meeting & Exposition to be held in Denver, Colorado on 22-26 March 2015.
25 July 2014 - We organised a "Materials & Energy Workshop" workshop attended by many international and Australian academics including Prof. Huiming Cheng, Prof. Dongyuan Zhao and Prof. Shizhang Qiao.

16 July 2014 - For the first time in UNSW Chemical Engineering Seminar Series we have the Executive Publisher from Elsevier, Mr. Dean Eastbury, to tell us strategies in publishing scientific papers.
02 July 2014 - Congratulation to Hui Ling and Shi Nee for passing their PhD confirmation review after 12-month of hard-work!!
24 June 2014 - The first speaker from overseas in our UNSW Chemical Engineering Seminar Series -- Prof. Peidong Yang from UC Berkeley, gave us an interesting seminar on nanomaterials system using solar energy.
18 June 2014 - With Dr. Stuart Thickett from CAMD, we published our latest work on hollow hybrid polymer-graphene nanoparticles in NANOSCALE.
05 June 2014 - Congratulation to Minsu Jung for his first paper published in International Journal of Hydrogen Energy with the title "CuOx Dispersion and Reducibility on TiO2 and Its Impact on Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution".
28 May 2014 - Jung Ho's paper on "Optical Modelling-assisted Characterization of Dye-sensitized Solar Cells using TiO2 Nanotube Arrays as Photoanodes" is accepted for publication in Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology. It is an invited contribution. Well done Jung Ho!
24 Apr 2014 - Organised the "UNSW Chemical Engineering Seminar Series". The first in the series, with great pleasure, we had Prof. Geoffrey Evans from the University of Newcastle to give us great lecture on multiphase system.

07 - 11 Apr 2014 - Attended "Graphene Flagship" grant review panel meeting in Amsterdam, organised by European Science Foundation. Ng's first mission as grant review panel, it was fun and a rewarding learning process.
27 Mar 2014 - Shi Nee's paper on "Harvesting, Storing and Utilising Solar Energy using a Single Material Molybdenum Oxide Thin Film: Modulation of Structural Distortion through pH Adjustment" is accepted for publication in CHEMESUSCHEM.
21 Mar 2014 - Vivian Liu's paper on "Interface-dependent Electrochemical Behavior of Nanostructured Manganese (IV) Oixde (Mn3O4)" is accepted for publication in ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA.
15 - 21 Mar 2014 - Served as a co-organiser, we had a four-day symposium in ACS National Meeting in Dallas. The theme was on the nanostructured materials for solar energy conversion. Prof. Gabriele Centi, Prof. Ib Chorkendorff, Prof. Frank Osterloh, Prof. Prashant Kamat and many other famous scientists were giving us keynote/invited talks.

24 Feb 2014 - Visited by Prof. Kazuyoshi Kanamori from Kyoto University and Prof. Kentaro Tashiro from NIMS Japan.
20 Feb 2014 - Taste of Research (ToR) student Adrian Suyanto won the 2nd place in presentation in the School of Chemical Engineering. He was selected to present his work in an Faculty event

2 - 6 Feb 2014 - Our team members - Peng Wang , Yiming Tang and Minsu Jung - attended and presented in ICONN held in Adelaide.

24 Dec 2013 - Ng is invited to deliver a talk to the academic staff and postgrad at the Faculty of Chemical and Natural Resources Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang. Director and the committees from the Center of Excellence for Advanced Research in Fluid Flow (CARIFF) had organised a scientific discussion to explore potential collaboration between the two institutions.
03 Dec 2013 - Ng receives OzCarbon Award for early career researcher presentation in OzCarbon 2013 in Melbourne.
02 Dec 2013 - Yiming's first paper on "Fabrication of CuInS2 Photoelectrode Using a Single-step Electrodeposition with Controlled Calcination Atmosphere" is accepted for publication in RSC ADVANCES.
23 Nov 2013 - Our application for 2014 Major Research Equipment & Infrastructure Initiative (MREII) funding, joint with Assoc. Prof. Patrick Spicer (lead CI) and Dr. Stuart Prescott, has been successful.
21 Nov 2013 - Ng receives "Goldstar Award" ($40, 000) from UNSW to conduct initial research on a proposed research program to further refine and strengthen the application in the next round ARC Discovery Scheme. The proposed research is on nanostructured photoactive thin films for solar hydrogen and solar batteries.
01 Nov 2013 - Nicholas Yap presented his work on "self-photocharging molybdenum oxide" on the Honours Student Poster Day. Nicholas is doing his undergraduate Advanced Thesis with us. He found that the anodisation of molybdenum foil in organic electrolyte with varying water content can regulate the formation of molybdenum oxide in specific crystal facet. The effect of this observation was seen in the photocharging property. This work will lead to a journal publication. Well done, Nicholas.

29 Sept - 02 Oct 2013 - Our team members presented in CHEMECA 2013, held in Brisbane. Charlene, Peng, Shi Nee and myself gave oral presentations on our works in photocharging, p-type Cu2O and graphene from photocatalysis. Minsu presented his poster on CuxO/TiO2 for photocatalytic hydrogen generation. Ng chaired a session of "Process Design" in the conference too. Nice catch up with our previous member Jung-Ho, currently a postdoc research fellow in the University of Queensland.

20 Aug 2013 - Ng serves as the symposium organiser in 247th American Chemical Society National Meeting in March 2014, Dallas, Texas. The symposium is "Nanostructured Materials for Solar Energy Conversion and Storage" in the Division of Energy and Fuels (ENFL). Submission of both an abstract and a pre-print are required. Please do this on-line at http://abstracts.acs.org. Abstract and pre-print submission due date: October 14, 2013.
17 Aug 2013 - Having BBQ with lab members and families!

08 Aug 2013 - Attending "Women in Engineering Awards" ceremony at THE MINT.

22 July 2013 - Ng receives the offer as Lecturer in the School of Chemical Engineering, the University of New South Wales, Sydney Australia. He is appointed as the "International Student Adviser" in the School too.
18 June 2013 - Ng is invited to deliver a talk in the Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology, the Hong Kong Polytechnique University.
June 2013 - Chemistry in Australian magazine and Australian Carbon Society Newsletters reported the winning of Honda-Fujishima Prize by Ng.
04 June 2013 - Jung Ho Yun's paper on "Reduced Graphene Oxide: Control of Water Miscibility, Conductivity, and Defects by Photocatalysis" is accepted for publication in CHEMCATCHEM.
23 May 2013 - Charlene's paper on "Influence of Annealing Temperature of WO3 in Photoelectrochemical Conversion and Energy Storage for Water Splitting" is accepted for publication in ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES.
09 Apr 2013 - Ng is invited to deliver a talk in 245th American Chemical Society National Meeting - Symposium: Solar Energy and Solar Fuels.
01 - 04 Apr 2013 - Ng visited to collaborator Prof. Akihiko Kudo's laboratory in Tokyo University of Science. He also visited to Prof. Takeshi Hirai in Ritsumekikan University, Shiga, Japan.
29 Mar 2013 - Ng receives the 9th Honda-Fujishima Prize, awarded by the Electrochemical Society of Japan. This is the first time the award is made to non-Japanese.

11 Feb 2013 - Peng's paper on "Embedment of Anodized p-type Cu2O Thin Films with CuO Nanowires for Improvement in Photoelectrochemical Stability" is accepted for publication in NANOSCALE
01 Feb 2013 - Launch of Yun Hau Ng's Research Website.