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At City University of Hong Kong (since 2018)

SEE2203 Environmental, Safety, and Occupational Health Management

This course aims to provide an understanding of environmental, safety and occupational health management. Building upon the fundamental principles of work place safety, student will learn how to manage a work place environment through a detailed environmental and safety framework with the aims of improving occupational safety and complying with local regulations. The ISO14000 series and the principles of life-cycle analysis for environmental management are introduced to broaden students’ knowledge on environmental sustainability.

Teaching Period         : 2018 - current

Class Size                   : average ca. 35

Year of Course           : 2nd year students (B. Eng. – Environmental Engineering Programme)



SEE8003 Skills for Scientists

This course aims to equip entry-level postgraduate students with the essential skills in conducting high-level research and developing their long term professional career. This includes the shaping of curiosity-driven research aptitude, familiarizing with common statistical analyses and data collection, the ability to perform critical thinking and analyses, as well as thinking-outside-the-box. It will also consider a range of important transferable skills that are required for careers in industry, government or academia.

Teaching Period         : 2019 - current

Class Size                   : 36

Year of Course           : PhD student (PhD students of all SEE’s streams: Sustainability, Energy, Environment)



SEE8130 Advanced Thermosciences for Energy Engineering

This course aims to introduce the concept of thermosciences (including but not limited to thermodynamics and heat transfer) and applies them to a wide range of engineering technologies related to energy. These principles will help the students to build a strong foundation for further innovative studies of energy engineering. Problems-solving in energy engineering is explored and the skills in critical thinking would be developed.

Teaching Period         : 2020 - current

Class Size                   : 15 (average)

Year of Course           : PhD student (PhD students of Energy Stream)



SEE8130 Final Year Project (FYP)

The aims of the final year project are to give students the opportunity to develop and demonstrate their creativity and ability to carry out industrially-related or research-type project work, and in the process to allow them to illustrate their expertise in their chosen subject area related to energy and/or energy-related environment. In undertaking the final year project, the student will be able to demonstrate the initiative and intellectual achievement, understanding of the chosen subject matter, and the application of learnt knowledge to arrive at innovative solution. The students will also develop problem-solving skills, demonstrate independence, build self-confidence and ability to make good oral presentations and report writing.

Teaching Period         : 2019 - current

Class Size                   : average ca. 3 FYP students per semester

Year of Course           : Final year (two semesters) undergraduate students


At University of New South Wales, Sydney Australi (2011-2018)

CEIC1000/FOOD1130 Sustainability in Product Engineering and Design

This course is an introduction to process/product engineering and design in which the technical, environmental, social, economic and marketing aspects involved in the manufacture of products ranging from everyday consumer goods (food, pharmaceuticals, etc) to water and industrial chemicals are examined. Students are taught to determine material and energy inputs and outputs for production as well as use of flowsheets and other graphical representations. Issues with respect to the sustainability, safety, engineering profession and careers are introduced. Laboratory, pilot plant or industry visits are incorporated into the course when possible to reinforce understanding of the manufacturing process. Students also gain skills in information literacy via accessing and analysing sources of engineering and chemistry related information.

Teaching Period         : 2016 - 2018

Class Size                   : average ca. 230

Year of Course           : 1st year students (B. Eng. Chem. Eng; B. Eng. Food Sci. & Tech.)

Student Rating(CATEI): 5.01/6



CEIC2004 Industrial Chemistry for Chemical Engineering

The purpose of this course is to give chemical engineers useful, practical knowledge of inorganic and organic chemistry, so that they can draw upon it in their later careers. The world's most important chemicals, in terms of the quantities produced, are examined in this course, along with the processes for manufacturing them. The aim is to build basic and applied knowledge on top of first year chemistry, with links to previous chemistry theory and to industrial practice.

Teaching Period         : 2012 - 2018

Class Size                   : average ca. 170

Year of Course           : 2nd year students (B. Eng. Chem. Eng.)

Student Rating(CATEI): 5.15/6



INDC2003/CEIC8311 Instrumental Analysis

The course addresses the fundamental principles and applications of modern instrumental analysis relevant for chemical engineering, industrial chemistry and food science students. The subject consists of a series of interrelated lectures, tutorials and lab classes. The analytical techniques covered range from spectroscopy, chromatography, electroanalytics to thermal analysis as well as mass spectrometry. The lecture components address the underpinning physical principles of each analytical technique in-detail and also include an introduction to statistical data analysis. At the completion of the course, the student will have developed a firm understanding of the analytical methods employed in his or her field of study and also gained experience in carrying out analytic experiments. 

Teaching Period         : 2014 - 2018

Class Size                   : average ca. 80

Year of Course           : 2nd year students (B. Eng. Industrial Chem.; B. Eng. Food Sci. & Tech.)

                                      Postgraduate students (M. Eng. Chem. Eng)

Student Rating(CATEI): 5.6/6



INDC3002/CEIC8336 Environmental Science and Technology

This course aims to introduce students to the chemical and physical processes underlying the major environmental problems that confront us. The role of the chemical industry in causing and resolving problems are examined. A further aim of the course is to improve skills in information retrieval and scientific literacy. Students are encouraged to think critically and analytically, in order to identify creative solutions to problems. Environmental issues are complex and inextricably linked to historical events and to current politics. Many environmental problems have no clear solutions, and many others have clear solutions that are not being implemented for a variety of reasons. This course, perhaps more than any other in the program, challenges students to understand problems of enormous magnitude, understand how we arrived at the present situation, and understand options for sustainable solutions. Environmental issues are global in extent, and can only be solved by cooperation between diverse groups with diverse views. This course helps students to appreciate that diversity, and the need for change that is both ethical and socially responsible.

Teaching Period         : 2014 - 2018

Class Size                   : average ca. 50

Year of Course           : 3rd year students (B. Eng. Chem. Eng.); Postgraduate (M. Eng. Chem. Eng.)

Student Rating(CATEI): 5.35/6



CHEN6703 Advanced Particle System Engineering

This course covers lectures and demonstrations on: Particle characterization and preparation using the latest techniques, floc characterization and its relevance in separation techniques. Other aspects of separation technologies, theory and practice, novel applications to industry and environment management are discussed in this course.

Teaching Period         : 2013 - 2018

Class Size                   : average ca. 80

Year of Course           : 4th year/Final year students (B.Eng. Chem. Eng.); Postgraduate (M.Eng. Chem. Eng.)

Student Rating(CATEI): 5.2/6



CEIC4002/4003 and CEIC9002/9003 (Advanced) Thesis

Research-based projects involve an independent investigation at an advanced level by the student and may include research, design, feasibility or other analysis requiring integration of knowledge and evaluation across a range of topics in the area of specialisation. The project contains complex, open-ended problems that allow room for student creativity, and the acquisition, analysis and interpretation of results. 

Teaching Role             : Research Supervisor

Teaching Period         : 2011 - 2018

Class Size                   : 5-10 FYP students per semester

Year of Course           : 4th year/Final year students (B. Eng. Chem. Eng.)



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