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CAREnergy Lab News
14 June 2023 - Our recent collaborative work published in 2022 has been selected to receive the inaugural Materials Advances 2023 Paper Prize. We reported facet-dependent phenomena of cuprous oxide for hydrogen generation. A joint work with collaborators from Australia and Germany. Read it open access here.

01 June 2023 - Prof. Ng has joined Sustainable Materials and Technologies (SM&T)(Elsevier) as associate editor. SM&T is an international, cross-disciplinary journal (impact factor of 10.681) publishes articles in applied and fundamental science of materials and technologies for sustainable development with special attention to contributions that reduce the knowledge gap between materials and system designs.
Welcome to Dr. Yun Hau Ng's research website. Dr. Ng is a professor at the School of Energy and Environment, and the director of Low-Carbon and Climate Impact Research Centre (LCCIC), City University of Hong Kong. His research focuses in the area of alternative and renewable energy through the approach of catalysis - namely photo(electro) catalysis, electrocatalysis and carbon (thermal) catalysis. Hydrogen generation from water (or waste water), photo-induced charge storage (solar battery), electrocatalysed oxygen evolution, liquid junction photoactive semiconductor thin films are within my expertise. The research team uses a multidiciplinary approach, involving internal and external collaborations along with students from Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Materials Science, Photovoltaic and Physics, to study nanostructured materials as active components in energy conversion and storage processes.
His research aims at gaining fundamental understanding involved in these areas with the ultimate goal to achieve real life application in industry. We observe experimental phenomena, study the fundamental principles lie underneath that guide the overall reactions in light energy conversion-storage. Investigation into the basic science equips us the ability to engineer better and more efficient systems for practical uses.
Low-Carbon and Climate Impact Research Centre
School of Energy and Environment
City University of Hong Kong
Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Editor, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics
Associate Editor, Sustainable Materials and Technologies
E: yunhau.ng(a)cityu.edu.hk
T: +(852) 3442 2460
F: +(852) 3442 0688

19-20 May 2023 - Prof. Shigeru Ikeda (Konan University), Prof. Kenji Yoshino (Miyazaki University) and Prof Yoshitaro Nose (Kyoto University) visited our CARE laboratory and LCCIC Research Centre. Prof. Ikeda was the PhD supervisor of. Prof. Ng at Osaka University (2005-2009).

17 May 2023 - Sponsored by Bank of China (Hong Kong) and organised by Federation of Hong Kong Industries (FHKI), Prof. Ng served as the Organising Committee as well as the judging panel for the 1-1-1 Corporate Low-Carbon Environmental Leadership Awards. Final judging was performed on 17-18 May at the headquarter of FHKI.

11-13 May 2023 - Returned to UNSW, Prof. Ng joined meetings, discussion sessions and meals with life-long mentor, colleagues and friends from Australia.

7-11 May 2023 - Prof. Ng gave an invited talk at the Topical Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Gold Coast, Australia. It was the very first overseas conference after the pandemic time. In-person meeting was much more interactive.

04 April 2023 - A collaborative work with QUT and UCL colleagues on mediating polaron transportation in BiVO4 is accepted for publication ACS Energy Letters. We revisited the hydrogen-treatment methodology and realised the changes in polaron transportation barrier. This work has been selected as the journal cover for the upcoming issue.
29 March 2023 - Prof. Ng was invited to attend the 2022 Clarivate Highly Cited Researchers Awards Ceremony for CityU HK. It was also a networking opportunity for exploring collaboration between other recipients.

15 March 2023 - Invited by EMSD (Mdm Jovian Cheung), Prof. Ng attended the welcome dinner of the 60th Meeting of APEC Expert Group on Energy Efficiency & Conservation (EGEEC60). The event was attended by many APEC delegates from different economies. The dinner was held at the gorgeous restaurant of the Hong Kong Ocean Park.

12 March 2023 - As the school's Outreach Chairperson, Prof. Ng hosted an alumni homecoming day on a relaxing Saturday. Special thanks must go to the alumni, current students and faculty representatives who shared their career experience.

08 March 2023 - Songying's first paper from her PhD project has been accepted for publication in SMALL. She used a thin layer of ZnO to modulate the interfacial charge transfer of BiVO4 for selective two-electrons transfer. It produced hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) instead of oxygen gas (O2).
13 Jan 2023 - Our recent work on BiVO4 for photoelectrochemical water splitting is reported by a few Hong Kong media.

09 Dec 2022 - On behalf of the Control, Automation & Instrumentation Division of the HKIE, we wrote a short article to talk about hydrogen development -- "Is Green Hydrogen a Panacea to Global Decarbonisation?"
It is indeed a question that need to be answered.

21 Oct 2022 - CARE group welcomes the newest team member, Dr. Chunhua Wang. Dr. Wang recently graduated his PhD from KU Leuven (Belgium). He will be developing large photocatalyst panel for hydrogen production.
20 Oct 2022 - Our latest work on BiVO4 photoanode is now online in Nature Communications. "Low-bias photoelectrochemical water splitting via mediating trap states and small polaron hopping"
12 Oct 2022 - Yun Hau gave an invited talk at ECS Atlanta Meeting. The talk was on the crystal engineering of bismuth vanadate for photocatalytic and photoelectrochemical water oxidation.
30 Sept 2022 - The group bid farewell to Dr. Hao Wu. He is one of the founding members of CARE group at CityU. Dr. Wu is joining Macau University of Science and Technology as an Assistant Professor. All the best wishes to Dr. Wu's new milestone.
23 Sept 2022 - Prof. Ng served as an opponent for a PhD public defense by Ms. Xuelan Hou from Aalto University, Finland under the supervision of Prof. Peter Lund. The discussion was fruitful.
01 Sept 2022 - The group welcomes Mr. Qili Xu as our latest PhD student! Qili will be jointly supervised by Dr. Steven Wang from Mechanical Engineering, CityU. Qili will innovate reaction system (devices) for photocatalytic hydrogen production.
02 Aug 2022 - The President of CityU has appointed Prof. Ng as the Director of Low-Carbon and Climate Impact Research Centre (LCCIC). Including low-carbon precincts in the context of climate impact studies will facilitate a comprehensive research coverage and help us align with HK's carbon neutrality goal.
12 July 2022 - Dr. Phoebe Chung publishes her work on "Engineering the interfacial contact between Bi2WO6 and WO3 heterojunction photoanode for improved charge transportation" Energy & Fuels. Congratulations to Dr. Chung.
01 Jul 2022 - Dr. Ng is promoted to full professor at the School of Energy and Environment, City University of Hong Kong.